The following additional services can be provided on request:
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• A FREE basic funeral if the policy has been in force for two years or longer. (Policies that have been in force for less than two years qualify for a discount of up to R4000 off the funeral)*.
• FREE transportation of the deceased within the borders of South Africa*

* These FREE funeral benefits are subject to certain terms and conditions and only apply if AVBOB Funeral Service is appointed to conduct the funeral of the life insured.
Cashback Funeral Cover lets you save for the expenses of a funeral. And every 5 years without a claim, we’ll give you that year’s cash back – that’s right, all the premiums you paid during the 5th year will be paid back, in cash. And that’s just one of the many benefits you’ll receive.
What are the main benefits of Cashback Funeral Cover?
  • You decide on cover levels – with Cashback Funeral Cover, you choose who you want to cover and at what level.

  • Accident benefit – if you pass away from an unnatural cause such as a car accident, we will pay a double pay-out.

  • Breadwinner benefit – in the event the insured dies, the insured’s spouse, parents and children will remain covered under an AVBOB policy without having to undergo a medical examination.This is only applicable if the insured pays his own premiums.

  • Children’s benefit – add as many of your children (your own children, step children or legally adopted children) as you want and only pay for one.

  • Extended family benefit – up to 6 family members can be added including brothers, sisters, grandparents, foster children, grandchildren, even a second spouse.

  • Parent benefit – if you have a Cashback funeral policy, you can cover your parents too. If you add your spouse on the same policy, then your spouse’s parents can also receive cover.

  • Spouse benefit – your spouse can be covered under a separate benefit.

  • Immediate coverage – when an accidental death occurs, we pay out within 48 hours after receiving the claim documents.

  • Easy payment options – you can pay in cash, bank debit order or stop order.

  • Registration of death

  • Placement of funeral notice in the local newspaper

  • Memorial attendance books for friends and family to sign

  • Fresh flowers

  • Where available, use of our chapels

  • Family cars

  • After funeral catering

  • Additional chairs and house tents

  • Grave or cremation fees

Exclusive free policyholder funeral benefits: